Yesterday Seth had an appointment through Cherry Creek Schools for a speech evaluation. I felt that he was not talking as much as Mikayla and that maybe I should have him checked out. I had Mikayla tested as well and she did not need services- but she was a year older than he is and maybe that had something to do with it. Seth understands perfectly and his Large and Fine motor skills are awesome. His problem it that he does not use words! He should be using at least 10 words regularly not including Mama and Dada. He does say Momma and Dada but not to call us- he knows who we are but if he wants me he doesn't say Mom-so I guess that is their biggest concern. So in a few weeks we will be starting Speech Therapy once a week. I am excited to see what happens. At first I was kind of sad because I was hoping he was fine and that I was just worrying about nothing. But then I thought about it and his chances of grasping language now is so much better than when he is in school. Plus I don't want him to get taken out of class to catch up on speech if I can do it now! I am glad now that it can be done this early. It was good to hear from them that I am doing everything right and he will be fine he just needs a little help!
So I know I will be posting different things he learns with his speech teacher!
And Mikayla has her 1 year later check up in April just to make sure she is still on track with her speech! I will let you know what comes from that too!