Thursday, October 9, 2008

Trick or treat song...

This is Mikayla's interpretation of the Trick or Treat song!!
Happy Halloween
Here are her words just in case you don't understand:
Trick or Treat
Smell my feet
Give me something good to eat
If you don't
I don't care
I'll poop in your underwear pants!
I think I like hers better! It is great for those who don't give out the good stuff:)

Oh and by the way she came up with this on her own!! No coaching:)


Seth took his first steps on his own all the way back in August. My Dad was so proud because he got to see it. He is always traveling so he doesn't get to be the first for much- so that was extra special for us all. Well we thought it would be no time before he started walking- well we were wrong. He would walk from me to Billy or from the couch to the chair but he would not walk just to walk. We went to the Dr. for his 1 year appointment and he said that he was still to top heavy! It is a running joke that Seth already has the biggest head in our family. And he was 85% for height 10% for weight and 60% for is head. That sounded like the right answer. So I have been trying to get some meat on his bones but it is almost as impossible as getting a square to fit into a circle!! The boy eats everything he can get his hands on- he eats more than I do most of the time and sometimes he eats more then Billy does. Yet he still is just tall and Skinny!!

So last Friday (9/30) he started walking just to walk. Now he is running- he falls a lot because he thinks he can keep up with Mikayla sometimes he will get back up other times he just crawls twice as fast to get caught up!! I think I am really ready for him to be walking and running- everyone says I will want to take it back- but I am just ready for our next step!