Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mikayla's last day of "School of Mommy"

Well it is that time of year that kids are getting out of school and getting ready for summer vacation. I have seen a few friends talking about their kids accomplishments and I would like to fill everyone in with Mikayla's!

This year she did not go to preschool. We missed the cutoff date and then I just didn't find one that I liked as much as the one she went to last year. So she attended "School of Mommy" during Seth's morning nap we would have school. She didn't like it at first- she wanted friends. I really couldn't help with that- but I am proud to say that she is now a graduate of "School of Mommy" and will be going to preschool in the fall of 2009. She has been accepted and will be going to Sunrise Elementary school. This is our home school and I am very excited for her to meet new friends that will live in our neighborhood. She is going to be going 4 days a week in the am. She is very excited and ready to "go to school"

She can recognise almost all of her letters. She has a hard time with lower case letters but she needs something to learn in school right? She can count to 20 with only a few problems with 15,16,17,18- she gets them all in there but not in the right order. She can spell her name and Seth's name. She can not write them yet. She knows all of her shapes and colors. She knows her birthday and most of the days of the week.

She won't be 4 until July but she can't wait. When she is 4 she will do all kinds of things- like picking up her toys, and listing to me and Billy better. Those are her words! We had her yearly speech meeting and she is still age appropriate and doing great. We did find out that a speech teacher will come into her classroom once a week and work on things with the class. I know this will help- I do think that just being in preschool with help her language and clarity.

All 4 of us are very excited for this summer and then for her to start school. I know she will do great just like this year:)
The picture above is Mikayla with "pepper" my Dad's dog!