Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Meet Tippy...

So Billy has really wanted a fish lately. I don't know why but he has so he asked Mikayla if she wanted one and she said yes. I told him that he needed to make it a reward for her so that she would like it for more than a day. So he came up with she had to go poo-poo on the potty 3 times before she could get one. So yesterday was day number 3. After she told me "I have to call Daddy and tell him I get a fish." So after dinner we went to the pet store and picked out a fish. We looked at all kinds and she kept going to the beta's. Billy wanted something bigger but I told him that we need to get the one she wants or it won't really mean anything to her. So she got to pick out which fish, which fish tank and one decoration. She got a red fish, a purple tank and a bee decoration. I asked her what his name should be and she said "Tippy, I like Tippy" I have no idea where it came from but that is still his name. I also asked what his full name is and she said " Tippy Cinderella Fischer" He mind amazes me everyday! I love it!! So here is Tippy who sleeps in the bathroom because that is "where the water is" and it is a fish bathroom:)