Mikayla makes about 2-3 art projects a day at preschool. I keep the ones that are more than just a few scribbles on a page. She has been very excited about some of her work. Here is a goldfish that she colored with glitter paint and then some things from Valentines week. I am so glad that she is having a great time at school. She has gone 3 days now with big girl panties on and has not had one accident.
They are concerned with her speech. I kept reminding them that she didn't talk much before Seth was born so she really just started saying a lot about 5 months ago. Now she says 6-7 word sentences and she repeats everything we say. She can not say R and she usually replaces it with another sound so we have an Aunt Kitty instead of Aunt Kerri. I am not too worried but we are having it checked out, not until April though:( My thoughts are if she need help then lets give it to her. I have looked into it and found that if corrected before 3 then there will never be any more problems nor will she be behind in school. I will keep everyone updated.
They are concerned with her speech. I kept reminding them that she didn't talk much before Seth was born so she really just started saying a lot about 5 months ago. Now she says 6-7 word sentences and she repeats everything we say. She can not say R and she usually replaces it with another sound so we have an Aunt Kitty instead of Aunt Kerri. I am not too worried but we are having it checked out, not until April though:( My thoughts are if she need help then lets give it to her. I have looked into it and found that if corrected before 3 then there will never be any more problems nor will she be behind in school. I will keep everyone updated.
We had to have Tanner checked as well. His kindergarten teacher brought it up. I remember being pissed and then feeling like a failure. I was even offended when it was brought up. He ended up being right on track, but like you said I was glad we looked at it when we did instead of going further and having a bigger problem. I don't know about Colorado but MN pays for a lot of that therapy as well. Its just one of those scary emotional things as a parent.
I like her artwork too!
Yes I was very mad. Before I had kids I was working in the school district as a special ed teacher. I worked with Autistic kids. (And because of that I have been worried about my kids. every Dr's appointment I would bring up their speech and they would always say she is right on track.) I would get so mad at the parents who didn't want to get their kid as much help as they could. And I always said I would be the parent who would do whatever I could. And then it happens, I felt like a failure too. And I was mad because I felt like they didn't really want to see if their really was a problem they just wanted to make her like all of the other kids.(They always compared her to other kids that they could understand) I was really mad. So I got defensive first and then remembered that that would not help Mikayla. I have a feeling that everyhting is going to be fine but it was hard at first! I am glad to hear from someone else who went through this!! I should have known I feel like we have gone through a lot of the same things:):):)
Colorado does pay for I think all of it:)
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