Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tripple Eggo's are Preggo's

Well I have to say Congratulations times 3!! I know 3 families that are expecting new family members!!

My best Friend Sierra and her Husband and son Jaden are expecting a baby in December and I am so excited for them!! Jaden is so cute he thinks he has a baby in his tummy too and his baby's name is Baby Seth. Mikayla also thinks she has a baby in her tummy and hers is named Emily (after her cousin Emily). Congratulations We love you guys!!

Also My Cousin Jody and her husband Darrel and son Sammy are also expecting a baby. I have not talked to her yet so I do not know a due date- but I am so excited for them! Congratulations to you guys we love you too!!

And last but not least our Step-Brother and Sister-in-law, Matt and Sadie Simpson are expecting their first child. Congratulations to you guys we will see you next weekend!

We are so excited for you all! Hope you all start feeling better soon- and we wish only the best for you and your family! Love- Billy, Gressa, Mikayla and Seth!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Jaden!

Have a wonderful 3rd Birthday!!

We Love you! See you tonight-
Love, Billy, Gressa, Mikayla and Seth

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Last day of Preschool

Sammy, Jaden, Miss Julie, and Mikayla

Yesterday was Mikayla's last day of preschool. It was good and bad. I know she is going to miss all of her friends- but I am not going to miss the drive. She was so sweet when she would say goodbye to her friends she would say "Goodbye Jaden I will call you" too all of her firends. We decided to put her in a preschool that is near our home school. We thought she needed to start making friends with kids that will be in Kindergarten with her. At first it was a hard decision for me because she was so shy at first and I didn't want to make her start all over. Then we had some problems with her head teacher. She was asked to resign- so she went back and forth with what to do and finally decided to leave. Not only did she decide to leave but she decided to leave 2 weeks before school was over and never said goodbye to Mikayla's class. I was really upset at how she handled it and if the kids were really what she cared about then I think she would have said goodbye to all of the kids that she was teaching. So with 2 weeks (4 classes for Mikayla) left a new teacher came in and changed their whole schedule around. The weird part is that this teacher is not going to be the teacher next year so I don't know why she got to make the decision to change everything for 2 weeks. The good news is that Mikayla handled it really well- she was still participating and having fun and really didn't mind the change. So I feel much better about moving her into our district and much closer to us. We are thinking about moving so this school will be good for which ever house we are in come fall.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Eat our dust!!

Mario Cart

I am so excited for 6pm tonight! We have a match tonight against the Mauzy family! We are going to play Mario Cart for the Wii! It is so cool that we can play in different states against each other! It will be our first time playing someone that we know. So far we have played other people mostly from New York and some from Canada. They must have nothing better to do than play 24/7 because they kick our butts. I hope The Mauzy's will be a healthy challenge- and maybe we can beat them once or twice!! I will post the winners tomorrow!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Since this is the best way to communicate with Gressa these days(haha) this is how she is going to get her mother's day present. A treasure hunt.

First clue-
You keep your family charged up every day. In the place where you work the hardest and fill up our tummys you'll find something that will keep your present charged.

Second clue-
You have the best memory. You remember everything. Above the appliance that keeps it fresh, you'll find even more memory.

Third clue-
At this place, you make our memories come to life and create the best works of art imaginable. Here (if you don't already know what it is) you will find your present. I hope you love it. It should make these memories look even better.

Happy Mother's Day.

I love you


This is a title that Gressa acquired almost three years ago. Since that day, She has become the best mother to her two children. She is always patient and loving and beleive me sometimes this is hard to do. She always has time to listen to all of us. Gressa is the best mother and wife anybody could ever ask for. She keeps me on track and helps me through my everyday life. I always complain about how hard it is to go to work everyday and I compare my job to hers. Really there is no comparison. Her job starts in the middle of the night when the baby is screaming and doesn't stop until the middle of the next night when we put them to bed. Her job is the most important job in the world. She is guiding two lives and is teaching them everything they need to know. If our family were a business, she would be every role. Everything from the president to the lowest position that has to clean and take trash out. She does it all and everything inbetween and still has time for me. If our family were a house, she would be the strongest foundation and building ever made. I would just be a beam that couldn't stand without the support of her. She truly is amazing. I just want to say thank you, Gressa for all that you do. You are the love of my life and my center of happiness.

I love you,

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Lucas!

Hope Your Birthday is Great- Just like you!

Can't wait for Casa Bonita:)

Love, Uncle Billy, Aunt Gressa and Mikayla and Seth:)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

making Babies like bunnies!

Last night Billy went downstairs to do some laundry and heard something hitting the window. He looked in and saw something Jumping. His first thought went to a baby raccoon. A few years ago Emma (our dog) was going crazy by the basement window and we looked in there and saw a baby raccoon. We called Animal Control but it was a holiday weekend night and they could not come and get him. We didn't want him to starve to death so Billy got all geared up to take him out and set him free in the Field across from our house. I do not deal with wild animals so I was his emotional support. I got him the gloves, long sleeved shirt, coat and the cat carrier to transport him in. Then I coached him in how to get the raccoon to go into the cage. We got him and took him to the field- mind you it is like 11 at night. We never saw him again- I think he grew up and had a happy little family! So back to last night Billy came and got me out of bed and said "come look this is so cute" I thought he was talking about the kids- but they were sleeping so then i thought maybe the Cat and Dog were snuggled up together. So I went downstairs and looked in the window and there were 4 little baby bunnies. They were really cute! So this time we didn't even call animal control, we thought we could handle 4 little bunnies! So again I was the brains behind the operation. I got Billy a box a coat and a pillow case. Just so you all know- I do not search for things needed- I just grab what is close by!! The first one was calm and cute- I kept having to remind Billy that we could not keep them. Number 2 went in the box and almost jumped out. I screamed and Billy jumped. I closed the box and waited for him to catch the next 2. I think I freaked him out a little bit because he was much more cautious. So we got them all in the box and took them outside. We put them in our front yard and watched them. The feisty one ran off right away- two went off aways to eat and the calm one stayed near by and even let Billy pet him. We went to bed- and when we woke up this morning I did not see any of them so I think they too went off and are getting married today and will start making babies like bunnies:)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Seth is 8 Months old and Mikayla is 33 months old!

They are getting so Big!! I can not believe how fast it is going! Seth is now 16.2 lbs. Mikayla is 29.6 lbs. Mikayla is in her last month of Preschool and just got a new teacher. I think she is liking it. We are going to switch schools so I am going to start looking today at Uncle Babon but now he is Brandon. Seth is babbling all the time, he is going to be our talker I think! He now had 4 teeth two up top and two on the bottom- he eats all kinds of foods and likes most of them. I have a feeling that he will be our picky eater!

As of today we are all sick and can't breathe. I can't tell if we are sick or if it is just allergies- today is nice and rainy so maybe that will help get all of the pollen out of the air and we can breathe happy!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Happy Anniversary Grandpa and Billie Jo

Happy Anniversary to the two of you! Hope you had a great year and here is to many more!

Love you Both!

Love, Billy Gressa, Mikayla and Seth