Thursday, March 27, 2008

What's New?

Not much... This past week and a half has been Mikayla's spring break (Last Wednesday until next Tuesday) Kids don't go to school as much as I remember going! I remember my Spring break in elementary school was over Easter and it was only Friday through Monday. So not many crafts... we did dye Easter Eggs. Her new thing to play with is Play doe or Moon Sand. Moon sand is really cool if you have never played with it. It molds into things like play doe but when you crumble it it turns into sand. The best part is that it does not stain or stick and the best part is it does not dry out! SO she has been making all kinds of Snakes:) that is her favorite thing to make some times she will make food but mostly just snakes. Mikayla is still doing great with potty training! She still wears pull-ups at night but other than that she is doing great.

Seth got his 2nd bottom tooth and is wanting to eat everything in sight! He loves cantaloupe and real green beans. It is amazing how maybe 2 weeks ago he was still a baby needing me for everything then one day he "woke up" and now he plays by himself, feeds him self, holds his own bottle, grabs for everything in his eye sight, and laughs!! He is a big flirt. Mikayla was more serious our family use to joke about how serious she was she would just sit and stare at you if your were trying to make her laugh or even smile- we use to say that she was thinking "come on people you can do better than that" Seth on the other hand, if anyone or thing looks at him he is jumping in my arms and smiling and laughing. He loves anything that you do!

Billy is working the Auto Show this week so we don't really see much of him but he loves it. I think he likes showing off all of the things that he can do to cars! I am up to my ears in Laundry. It never ends. Seth is growing so much that it seems like I do a load and then he out grows that so I have to get the next size and wash that and then he out grows it!! Maybe in 20 yeas I will be caught up!!

It always seems that I start with I have nothing going on and then I start writing and I guess even the everyday is a lot!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter!

I thought this one was funny:)

Happy Easter
And I thought this one was pretty!

Happy Easter Everyone:)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I am so ready for Spring!!

I am tired of all of this cold weather! I want it to be warm and I want to see all of the leaves come back on the trees and I want the flowers to bloom! This week has been OK, it would be really nice if there was no wind! It is still a winter wind. Spring officially started On March 20 2008 at precisely 1:48 A.M. EDT. I hope this makes a difference in the weather! But here in Colorado we have been known to get 4+ feet of snow in spring. The only good thing about that is that the whole city closes and we get to go have an extra fun day with friends and family:)
Here are some interesting numbers about the seasons:
Winter has 88.994 days
Spring has 92.758 days
Summer has 93.651 days
Autumn has 89.842 days

Summer is my favorite season and it also has the most days:) And winter is my least favorite and it has the least but for some reason it feels like the longest!

So Happy Spring to everyone!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Finding Nemo (on Ice)

Tickets : $100

Cotton Candy: $10

Snow cone: $10

Nemo Light: $22

Mikayla's face when Nemo and Dori came out: PRICELESS!

We took Mikayla to see Nemo on Ice. She loved it. I think she liked that it was just her and Mom and Dad. We left Seth with Nana.

At first She was excited and then the Sharks came out. to make the fish look small they have to make everything else really big. I did not think that she would be afraid she never gets scared during the movie. Anyways, she got a little nervous when the sharks and the scary light fish thing. The second act had Crush the turtle and more fish tank scenes. She really liked it.

She carried her Nemo cup, light and hat everywhere. And even today she is still talking about seeing "Nemo, Dori and Crush ON ICE"

I do not think she understood the ice part but she knew that it was the exciting part!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Creative Memories

Well I finally did it I paid for a creative memories web site.I have been selling their products for almost 3 years now and am really enjoying it. I thought that I would take a small leap and offer my business to any one who wants it. If you have not looked at CM lately you should they have all kinds of new products such as the Picfolio Albums and new Digital albums. Please take a look at my site and take up a new hobby!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Seth is 6 Months old!

I can't believe that Seth has been here for 6 months now. He has grown so much. The poor guy had to get 4 shots today, 3 regular ones and his Flu shot. In 4 weeks we will have to go back and get one more flu shot:( He was so mad that he had to lay on the paper that was on the table. he was crying so hard that when he got the shot he turned bright red. I felt so bad for him, but as soon as I picked him up he was fine!

Well he is growing just like he should. He is 15.7 pounds which is only in the 20%, but both Billy and I have never been big so I am not surprised. Mikayla surprised me when she was in the 40% for her weight as a baby. He is 26.5 inches long and that puts him into the 60%. It is about time the Dr.s see him as being long (they used a different measuring thing this time so it was much more accurate) and his head is 43 cm and that is in the 40%!! I was looking back at Mikayla's measurements at 6 months and she was 15.5 pounds (35%) 26.75 inches (84%) and her head was 42cm (33%) In pictures Mikayla looks more chubby in the face and Seth looks thinner. Maybe that centimeter makes that much of a difference:)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Well Seth has his first tooth. You can only feel it right now. He has been kind of cranky but he still smiles at everyone. It is on the bottom left. I thought his top teeth were going to come in first and then all of a sudden his bottom gums started to change. So if he has teeth like his sister then he will be getting a new tooth every few days until they are in! Mikayla got a tooth like every day or every other day until she had the top 2 and bottom 2 and then 2 months later it started again with her back teeth. Her first tooth came in when she was 4 months old. And she had all of her teeth by 10 months.

Mikayla is sick right now, she even had to miss school because she has a fever and a runny nose. She is sleeping and drinking lots of fluids. I am trying to keep the two of them apart so that Seth won't get sick. I feel so bad for her because she has no energy and she just is not happy. This morning she woke up and said "Mommy I am not happy, I am sick" It broke my heart:( Hopefully she will be better soon. And can be happy!

One thing I forgot..

This has also been a life saver during potty training. It is called a piddle pad. You put it in the car seat and then if there is an accident you only have to take the piddle pad out and then wash it. You don't have to take the car seat out and take the cover off and so on. I wish I would have been the one who invented all of these things. I always think, I am not ready to take her out of the house while potty training because what if the line is to long or what if she thinks she is going to fall in or what if she has an accident in her car seat. Well after I had all of those thoughts I would go to Babies R us and found all that I needed! Just once I wish I could think of it first and then get it out there and make my millions:)

I am sure many of you have had an invention and then just a few months later you see your idea on the market selling like crazy. Mine was sunscreen wipes. And sure enough they are out there and are quite handy:)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

I stay dry...

Well it has now been 4 days since Mikayla has had an accident even during naps. It has been 3 weeks since she has had an accident while she has been awake! It is very exciting.. I guess she did have an accident during vacation but that was more my fault for not showing her the bathroom and she ran out of time!
Today we went to the Zoo and we have this new "potty" that folds up and you unfold it and put a little bag in it that has a absorbent pad inside and she sits down and pees. I told her that she had to make the Turtles happy and they are only happy when she pees on them. People probably think I am crazy when she is done and she yells " Momma I made the turtles happy" It is really helpful to have this potty because Mikayla has a hard time waiting to go. And today it was 76 degrees in Denver so everyone went to the Zoo and the lines were crazy. No accidents in our line:) It is a great tool for any of you who are potty training. Another great thing that we have for public toilets is this potty. It folds up and fits in a diaper bag or purse and it turns a big scary toilet into a small friendly one. The automatic flush is another thing. I got a great tip from a friend to use sticky notes to cover the sensor. I have not had to use that because Mikayla thinks that it is a lot of fun to sit on the potty and flush!!

Sorry Tosh for cheating.. but Mikayla would only let me take one!