So this weekend was very busy for Mr. Seth. He is now 7 months old and growing like crazy. Daddy thought he was old enough to have is first fruit roll up. Seth loved it, he chewed on that thing for a long time. It was kind of a sour so every once in a while he would make a funny face but he kept on chewing. The next thing he did was say "Dada". I thought he has been saying it up in his room. You know you can here the babbling
and I would "hear" all kinds of words; "Mama, baba, Wawa, Googoo gaga," and some times I would here "Dada". Well on Sunday Billy heard it and now everything Seth says Billy thinks he is saying "Dada" it is cute and I don't have the heart to tell him that it is just a sound and that Seth has no idea that when he says Dada that he is really saying he wants his Dad. I know Billy knows that deep down because we went through the same thing when Mikayla said Dada first.
Some might get mad that their child doesn't say Mama first I am not like that- yes it would have been fun if Seth said Mama first but I think they both said Dada first because I always talk about their Dad to them and so that might be the word they here most well that and "No Dogs-ugh you drive me crazy"
Mikayla got a cold this weekend so she runs around telling every one she has a frog in her throat and that she needs to get him out, and then coughs all over the person she was talking to! One day she told me that the froggie came out and I said he came out of your mouth? and she said "NO he came out of my Butt" where do kids learn this talk? I do not talk like that, Billy sometimes says things like that but how do they know it is funny? Kids gotta love them:)
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