Today is not my best day. First I was hoping Mikayla's school would have a snow day so I did not get snack for her class. So this morning we woke up to 3 (+) inches of snow and no snow day. So we had to leave really early so we could stop and get something for snack. It took an hour after stopping to get to school (usually a 20 min. drive). The wind is blowing so hard that it was almost impossible to drive. I wasn't going to go but I had to take snack and I felt bad that the kids there would not have anything to eat. So then I go and pick them up, and it is still really bad. Oh and the school district that is the same county is closed today and the town next to them is also closed. So I find out the Mikayla's school just got a new superintendent and he was trying to be tough. So that pisses me off that he would want to put kids lives in danger just so doesn't look like he calls a snow day for a snow flake. We should have had a snow day. Here in town is not so bad but out in Elisabeth it is bad!!
So then I get ready to make lunch and I thought I was making Chicken noodle soup but it is really vegetable soup and it has peas in it and Jaden is allergic to them, so I had to make something else. That wasn't so bad but it just threw me off.
Next, we were down in the basement playing with mega blocks and watching some Yo Gabba Gabba and it was time for me to put Seth to bed. So I took him up and changed his diaper and got him all ready and put him down. I c
ame downstairs to find this:
White Erase Board markers all over my walls, couch, door and Washer. oh and all over the kids.I had no idea how much damage they
could/would do in 5 minuets.
They are now clean and sleeping. I hope I will get the walls clean I need one of those magic erasers. Billy is going to bring me home one:) I will let you know if it works!
So I guess the lesson learned is don't plan on a snow day and if it is your turn to get snack get it the night before!!
Oh I do feel your pain and sympathize! If they got any marker on wood - Lysol will take it right off. Strange but it works!
They did get some on the wood. I will try that. Also the weirdest thing is that it will not come off my washer, any ideas?
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