Well I think I can say that Seth is sitting up on hi own!! He is still very wobbly but he can do it! It is amazing how fast they grow. On one hand I think how is he almost 5 months old. And on the other hand I can't remember life with out him, I feel like he has been here forever. He is such a happy little boy and is growing like a weed. He is eating all of his veggies and some fruits. He loves squash and mangos. What a combo... with Mikayla she loved all foods and
would eat them as fast as she could. Seth likes to taste them and when doing so his first bite always has a funny face that follows. He will eat it but if he doesn't like it then he takes a long time to eat it and makes his funny face almost every time. If he loves it then you can't give it to him fast enough and inbetween bits he will cry. It is so cool to see their little personalities.
Mikayla is also growing like crazy. Here vocabulary is outragous. Her new thing to do is ask "who's that?" to any thing and anyone in real life or on TV. I give her a name even if I know it or not and she repeats it. She also loves playing pretend. She plays with her new artic animals, and she plays "where's the baby" and she hides it somewhere in the house and then makes me take the Mommy animal and we have to go find the baby. It is cute becuase she can't wait for me to find it and bring me the baby. Her other play game is "Baby Kayla" she finds a pacifire and puts it in her mouth and says " Mommy I am baby Kayla" and I say "but your a big girl now not a baby." and she says " just pretend Mommy" It is so fun beaing able to stay home with them and have all of these stories.
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