So Mikayla has gone to the Stock Show every year of her life (a total of 3 times now). This year was the best. She pet cows and goats and pigs. She said "Yee-haw" when she saw a Cowboy, and clapped when the Cowboys stayed on for 8 seconds. She got worried when the horses fell down( 2 times this happened and one of the times it was a miracle that it did not kill the cowboy) and when a cowboy roped a cow so hard that he had to be carried out on a stretcher. Her favorite part was what she thought was Mikayla service. Every time one of the vendors came by
yelling; "Popcorn, Peanuts, Snow cones," or even "Ice cold beer get your ice cold beer here" Mikayla thought that it was for her and she would say "Mommy I want that" we got her cotton candy, and she did not like that. She wanted peanuts but our friend Jaden is allergic and then she got a snow cone and ate that so fast that she kept holding her head but refused to take a break.
All in all it was a great time. Her and Jaden loved cheering on
the Cowboys and the cows! They really liked the motorcycle act and the laser show. Seth is turning into his sister more and more, he slept through almost the whole thing I guess he was awake for more than Mikayla was he even watched the horses and was talking to them. Mikayla's first show she slept through everything even the guns shots at the beginning of the show!
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