Ok so not meeting my goals of posting every week but I am doing it when I have time. Mikayla has recently discovered webkinz and is on the computer all the time. It is kind of cute! And yes I could use the iPhone but I don't know how to put the pictures up on here from the iphone=( and really who looks at this hoping there are no pictures? No one so here is what we did for our spring break- Billy has not been at his new job for a year yet- soon but not yet so no vacation yet! But we go to do some pretty cool things. We went swimming dyed Easter eggs tried to go to the Denver zoo but was way to crazy so we went to Utah Park and feed the ducks and played in the sand. And we saved the funnest trip for last we went to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs.
Swimming was fun but the kids are ready to be outside and so am I! Utah Park was fun they have made it really nice. Grandma Auntie came with us but unfortunately the camera did not=( But we had a great time and tasted some yummy sand cakes made by the fabulous pastry chef - Chef Mikayla. Of course we had to get ready for Easter. Billy was out of town in Dallas Texas for work so we went to Grandma Auntie's to dye Easter Eggs! It was a lot of fun! This year Seth only threw one egg into the dye and it wasn't that messy!For some reason we could not get the purple to work and that was the only color Mikayla really wanted! But we made some really pretty eggs.
On Friday we went to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo(CMZ). All week I practiced what I am learning at Journey Higher and focused on positivity and good thoughts for good weather. At the beginning of the week it was going to snow then in the middle of the week it said rain and Friday morning I woke up to sunny and chilly with some wind. I was so happy that I didn't just focus on the bad weather- or maybe the outcome would have been much worse. We bundled the kids up with hats and gloves and coats and headed up the mountain! We went with Amie and Lucas and Logan. We had a lot of fun. First we had to feed the giraffes. It was windy but the sun was out and we got to feed Giraffes! The whole reason we went to the Zoo was to feed the giraffes.
It was so much cooler than the Zoo in Jacksonville Fl. We were so close to them I got to pet them even though they did not like that! The Fl. zoo had them kind of far away and we were not allowed to touch them at all. We also could only feed them leaves. At the CMZ they were so close to us and we feed them giraffe crackers. We felt their tongues and ears and noses. It was so fun. we also saw
some other really cool animals- the elephants were getting their feet cleaned and the Monkeys were so funny and so monkey like!! There was one problem ... Seth... We were in the hippo area and were watching them walk into the water pool and we heard a splash. Amie freaked out and thought he threw my iPhone in there- I said no I have that so I looked in and could see that he picked up a rock (conveniently placed in a potted tree pot right next to the pool) and threw it right in. I yelled at him and said "Seth we don't throw rocks into the Hippos" and all he said was "Splash Momma Splash" It was cute but I thought we were gonna get kicked out. It did not hurt anything- thank goodness. Plus that was about the time we were ready to leave so we did- but we had to feed the giraffes one more time! It was an awesome trip! A great way to end our spring break!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Spring Break
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We are so glad you had fun at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo! Glad your iPhone did not end up in the hippo pool! You and the kids can stay connected to the Zoo by watching our giraffe and meerkat cams LIVE online at http://www.cmzoo.org/animalsPlants/animalCams/giraffeCam.asp. You can see the animals anytime right from your home! We hope you come visit again soon.
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Find us on facebook:http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?v=wall&story_fbid=528556471731&id=30000427#!/pages/Colorado-Springs-CO/Cheyenne-Mountain-Zoo/55670076018?ref=ts
Follow our blog: http://cheyennemountainzooblog.blogspot.com/
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