We it is that time of year again! The rodeo is back. I was really excited to go this year because Seth is old enough to really watch and get excited to see the animals. Mikayla is excited for the cotton candy! This year we went with Loren, Amanda,
Of course Mikayla got her cotton candy, and popcorn, and gummy worms, and so much junk it was amazing that she slept that night! Grandma and Papa spoiled her rotten! She also got a little Cat that she named Popo
Luckily No Cowboys were hurt really bad! Only one was kicked in the head and he got up and walked back to safety. The girls kicked but in the mutton busting! they all held on for life, but one little boy set a new record with 97points. It was really cute. I think Seth would be great at it. We will just have to tell him it is like riding a motorcycle!
We had a really good time and can't wait for it to come back next year!
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