I am tired of all of this cold weather! I want it to be warm and I want to see all of the leaves come back on the trees and I want the flowers to bloom! This week has been OK, it would be really nice if there was no wind! It is still a winter wind. Spring officially started On March 20 2008 at precisely 1:48 A.M. EDT. I hope this makes a difference in the weather! But here in Colorado we have been known to get 4+ feet of snow in spring. The only good thing about that is that the whole city closes and we get to go have an extra fun day with friends and family:)Here are some interesting numbers about the seasons:
Winter has 88.994 days
Spring has 92.758 days
Summer has 93.651 days
Autumn has 89.842 days
Summer is my favorite season and it also has the most days:) And winter is my least favorite and it has the least but for some reason it feels like the longest!
So Happy Spring to everyone!
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