Finally I have time to enjoy this beautiful weather!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Star wars sleep overs
So Seth's favorite thing to do on "no school days" is to fall asleep in the basement watching a star wars movie. So tonight we went down to check on him- can't turn off the movie or that wakes him right up- and I see that he has a "friend" all tucked in enjoying the sleep over! It was so cute, he tucked in his giant monkey friend! So sweet:)
Thursday, March 1, 2012
I'm Back!!!
I'm Back- It's been a while but I am ready to start documenting our lives for everyone to see!
So a very quick update:
Mikayla is now 6 reading like a champ, says math is her favorite subject, and has lost a total of 5 teeth with one top tooth left to fall out:) She likes to hang on to them as long as she can. It is so cute to see her toothless grin! She is also riding her bike training wheels free and can't wait for the snow to melt so she can live life on the go.
Seth is now 4 and loving life. He is doing great in preschool even though he will not let you know what he knows. He still knows that all he has to do is flash that smile and he gets what he wants from everyone! Its cute when he's being cute but when its time for me to discipline it drives me crazy when everyone else has their input on how "He's so sweet why do you make him cry..."
It's crazy for me to think that he will be in kindergarten next year- my baby is not a baby anymore:(
Billy is still building his business and doing great. It has almost been a year and things have changed in such an amazing way! We could use a little more help in getting the word out but other than that it has been awesome. I am so proud of him and it is amazing how much he has been able to see the kids more than just at dinner and bed time. I can tell they are really happy having him around for so many more activities. He just recently sold his dirt bike and is becoming obsessed with downhill biking. He likes it and is even getting Kayla excited about flying down the mountain this summer!
And I have been trying to figure out what I want to do with all of my free time and I have decided to get involved with the kids school. Currently I am the vice president of the PTCO and next year will make the jump to president. I am excited for the challenge and ready to do something on my own but still have the flexibility to enjoy my family. This all started this past November, I went to one meeting just to get information and I ended up knowing our school needed to go into a new direction and the only way to fix it was to "Take it over" HAHAHAHA- I am getting a lot of positive feed back already and cant wait for next year.
As a family we have decided to try something new for our new years resolution! Most people give up one thing for the year and are done by February- we didn't want to be failures so on new years eve we made a list. Every month we are giving up something and adding a new adventure. So far it has been hard and fun. For January we gave up sugar- that was the hardest on Seth and I. It was mostly giving up candy, pop, and desserts, there is sugar in almost everything so we didn't give up ALL sugar but it was enough for our bodies to feel a difference. And our new adventure was to go snowboarding and skiing. We had a great time, we went up 2 different times and really had fun. Mikayla picked up snowboarding quick. She even mastered the lift- which is always hard for me. Seth had great balance but just wanted to bomb down the mountain- so of course that terrified me. We all survived:) February was to give up saying NO and for me to only cook new recipes. This was a fun month for me- I never heard "Oh man really this again" and for the most part we really enjoyed all 25 new meals! The saying No was really to get the kids out of the habit of telling Billy and I NO when we asked them to pick up their shoes or to put their toys away- every time they said it they had to pay us a dollar- it kind of back fired when they would call us out on saying NO to them and so our $$pot did not amount to much:( But I feel we are a much kinder family- we figured out new ways to say NO! My favorite is Seth's no matter what we ask he says "No Thank you" And now for march we have decided to not eat meat- only fish or vegetarian meals. And our adventure is to take a road trip to the Grand Canyon stopping at all the different stops along the way. We are in the process of looking for a camper now and will be leaving the last week of march. We are all so excited to see what this trip will bring to our family! Of course I will be documenting along the way!
So that's the major points of our lives that I have not blogged about in almost a year- but I am ready to get back into this and start blogging like crazy!