Our Friend Landon was over the other night and he asked Mikayla what kind of dogs she had. She said "What" He said "I have a Siberian Husky- what kind do you have?" She Answered with "Stupid Dogs!" He replied with "No what kiiinnddd of dogs do you have?" Again with out missing a beat she said "STTUUPPIIDD DOOOOOOGS!" And then turned to Daddy and asked him- Billy not hearing the conversation just the "what kind of dogs do we have" said "Stupid dogs" Landon's response was "Oh I guess you were right" Now Mikayla knows we have a German Shepard and a Fox hound but they will always be our stupid dogs!!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Our Friend Landon was over the other night and he asked Mikayla what kind of dogs she had. She said "What" He said "I have a Siberian Husky- what kind do you have?" She Answered with "Stupid Dogs!" He replied with "No what kiiinnddd of dogs do you have?" Again with out missing a beat she said "STTUUPPIIDD DOOOOOOGS!" And then turned to Daddy and asked him- Billy not hearing the conversation just the "what kind of dogs do we have" said "Stupid dogs" Landon's response was "Oh I guess you were right" Now Mikayla knows we have a German Shepard and a Fox hound but they will always be our stupid dogs!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
well at least I hope we are all better. Billy has not had the stomach flu and I hope to keep it that way! Our mountain trip got cut short because Seth got sick and could not stop throwing up. We had to leave in the middle of the night- well the middle of his night. We got home right before midnight on Saturday night- we just got up there at 3pm Saturday afternoon! I felt so bad for him of course we got home and got him some pedialyte and he was much better. I was worried he would get really dehydrated and I didn't want to spend the night in the ER. I am glad we came home and he was fine it was better then us not coming home and him getting worse. Then Sunday we all felt fine we went to the children's museum and watched a ballet of beauty and the beast- the kids did really well and had a blast playing after! Then we watched the Superbowl! Go Saints!! It was a good game- I was disappointed in the commercials though=( But surprisingly the game made up for it! Then it was Monday and Billy got called into work last minute so now this is 12 days of work in the last 14 days=( no fun!! And then to top it off I got the stomach flu- I think I would rather be pregnant and sick all day for 4 months then have that thing again=( At least when I am pregnant I get something at the end. This just sucked and would not stop!! I am finally felling better- but my muscles are still really sore. Today was the first day I have been out of the house since Sunday afternoon! And it was nice and sunny! Now to get ready for Valentines day=)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Poor baby
Mikayla has been sick this week with some kind of stomach bug- and luckily for me she has been funny! Don't get me wrong, I feel awful that she is sick. It's wasn't funny that she threw up all over my bed- but it reminded me of the movie "parenthood" when the dad, played by Steve Martin, said it's ok if you have to throw up and the little girl let's it all go right there on his bed! Thy was how it happened- I had no warning! Then of course all she could do was apologize for getting sick. So the next day she seemed to be better- not sick at all just some times when her stomach hurt- but I explained that it takes a while for it to get back to normal. So I would ask her how she is feeling and she would hold up her fingers like she was measuring something an say " this much more normal" so I thought we were in the clear... Then on Wednesday she woke up saying it was hurting and it was not normal something was wrong- I asked where it hurt and she kept saying all over, one time I asked how it felt and she answered " like my tummy is going to explode" and then she would be fine playing with her brother. I was worried that it was coming and going- she wasn't throwing up anymore so then I was worried about her appendix. Mine never hurt on the lower right side and I never had a fever and my pain came and went. So when another pain wave came through I asked her how she felt and she said " I can't walk, I feel like I'm gonna go to heaven" and then she threw up- I called the Dr! They said I need to keep an eye on her and if she keeps crying and can't walk for 2 hours then I need to take her in. So she cried for a little bit and then daddy came home and she ran to him and then we went to a friends house for dinner ( she said she was feeling better) and she was running around playing and jumping all over, but anytime someone asked her how her stomach was she would fall down and say "it hurts- I have a bug you know". It was funny, I don't likethat she was in so much pain but I think from now on when I am in pain I'm going to say " it feels like I'm going to go to heaven" instead of "I think I'm going to die"! It just sounds better!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Eating rules...
Now that the kids are 2 and 4 Billy and I thought it was time to start putting rules to eating. Mikayla has always been a great eater and a good listener. Seth on the other hand has been a little pickier- and now that he is over his Milk Allergies we thought we could be more strict with what they have to eat. Mikayla was also watching Seth get away with more so she was starting to be more defiant. So last week I decided that I was going to try something different. They both are awesome eaters for breakfast and sometimes for dinner lunch is much different- they eat some but not as much as I would like them to- so I figured out that they snack all day long and that was not ok. So I told them they needed to eat all of lunch if they wanted snacks. Of course they didn't so I stuck to my guns they asked and I said " no you didn't eat lunch". It was hard at first but they stopped asking after a while. Until Seth woke up from nap- he asked for fruit snacks and I told him No. I was making Tacos for dinner and had all the ingredients ready and he asked for cheese- not even thinking I said yes and gave him some=( I know I know supernanny would be so disappointed but everyone makes mistakes right? So I tell Mikayla that she can have some cheese too and she says "But you said no snack!" I say "I know I messed up and already gave him some so you can have some too" so she came to the table and was eating it and says "Mommy does this mean your rule is expired?"
P.S. Even though they ate the cheese they ate awesome at dinner and have eaten all of their lunchs! now they get 1 snack inbetween lunch and dinner- as long as they eat their lunch=)